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Monday, July 23, 2007

Nate's Back!

Okay, so I know that I have a ton of catching up to do. I've came close to posting a couple of times and then lost the lists of beer that I've drank so I'm trying to re-write and post within the next couple of days.
In the last two months since I've posted, I've missed probably 15 beers (due to not having enough selection, forgetting that I've already had a beer or other various factors). Fear not though, I plan on making these up this upcoming weekend when Brewfest is in Portland. I hope to see you all there.
This past weekend though, I was up in Seattle visiting my friends Chris, Allison & Le-Vy. While I was here I had a couple of different beers. Let me try to get caught up here....
91. Ayinger, BraĆ¼ Weisse; I had this one with my lunch at the Pike Pub & Brewery. it was alright.
92. Georgetown Brewery, Manny's Pale Ale; Okay, so Goat, Trout and Dicko are right. This beer is fucking delicious. I had multiple Manny's at some bar near the Space Needle. My friends Chris & Le-Vy play in a pop-punk band Dateless and they had a show Saturday night.
The next couple of beers I had with Chris on Sunday at Hale's Ales Brewery. They had some really good beers (the cream stouts & the IPAs) and one bad beer (the el Jefe, yuck!)
93. Hale's Ales, Pale American Ale
94. Hale's Ales, Drawbridge Blonde Summer Seasonal
95. Hale's Ales, Mongoose IPA
96. Hale's Ales, Cream Ale
97. Hale's Ales, Cream HSB
98. Hale's Ales, Troll Porter
99. Hale's Ales, Kolsch German Ale
100. Hale's Ales, El Jefe Weizen
101. Hale's Ales, Double IPA Seasonal
102. Hale's Ales, Cream Stout

Tonight I plan on going home and trying to finish my list off. By my calculations I should be at beer #157 so I've got a list of about 30-35 to post in the next day or two....


Gus said...

102, plus 30, carry the one, 157.

good thing you were in battle of the books in middle school and not in battle of the numbers.

nice to see you back though, and can't wait for Friday and Saturday.

n8 b said...

Okay math time hot shot.

February 16-28 = 13 days
March = 31 days
April = 30 days
May = 31 days
June = 30 days
July 22nd = 22 days

for a total of 157

Get fucked Guttormsen