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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

On my way to 1111

I hit 1088 beers last night.

I just passed Tracy McGrady and Cuttino Mobley in 3s, and hope to catch Dana Barros tonight who has 1090 over his career.  That will put me at #51 on the all time leader board.

Also, if I can get to 1111 I can pass Kareem for all time defensive rebounds in a season and be #1 since they only tracked off/def rebound splits back to 1985 it looks like.  Before that guys like Wilt and Bill Russell used to get 1500-2000 every season and likely most of those were defensive, so probably would blow Kareem's record up, but I do what I can to be #1, even if its going off incomplete records...

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