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Friday, October 19, 2012

Winter Beer Fest

facebook > Ian's post > to PDX beer blog to find out the date for the Winter/Holiday Brewfest in Portland.  Nov 28th and through that weekend I think I know what my plans are considering I missed the main brewfest this summer a few days before Liam was born.

I can't wait.

I also started drinking the beers of the Apoc in reverse order.  The 9th, 8th and 6th have been great.  8th was the Blood Orange Ale and it was a fruit beer, and it was good.

And I think I have decided to get the 7th since I will convince my dad to buy it since he likes beets.

6th was the Elderflower Saison and it was also good although I didn't give it 5 caps on untapped.  Saisons really have to be excellent, kind of like Belgians, to get 5 caps from me because they just aren't my favorite types.   Looking forward to #5 tomorrow as tonight I am going to a blazer game finally.  GO BLAZERS!

Also had a new beers from Coors yesterday.

Batch 18 Pre-Prohibition Lager.  Not bad, worth trying one, maybe even buying a sixer if you are looking for something cool for your next tailgate.

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