is the shit. In case you use regular bottle caps, or use labels, or whatever, you really should be getting custom caps for your home brew. They are awesome and only .12 each plus shipping compared to about .5 for blank caps. When you are spending cash and time on all this beer you make, shouldn't you spring for an extra $5 for caps? They make excellent collectibles too. Buy the magnets they sell and stick the caps on your fridge.
We are hoping to go to secondary with our few big beers and bottle up a few others here in the next few weeks, so are putting in a large order to bottlemark for all these caps and collectors caps for all the beers we kegged. The side of the beer fridge should be looking pretty excellent in about 6-8 days.

We also had a succaba by FW last night, and it was outfuckingstanding. We had that after a Pliney, and followed it with a Black Bear Stout from Alemda. Which just means we barely got our cap order half done and didn't even transfer any beer. And had a slight headache this morning.

Oh well, maybe Saturday we'll actually work on beers. After that I am hitting up a Timbers game with my wife and some friends. Time to find a new Portland brewpub and try some new treats.
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