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Monday, December 10, 2012


Winter Brew Fest was a success.

I tried every beer I hadn't had before.  They were all good except the Cranberry Stout from Westport.  And I only had one full beer and the rest just tastes, so I could function afterwards and everything.  I ended up with some extra tickets, but if I'm super lucky I won't lose them and maybe they will be good next year.

The only downside (besides the cranberry stout of course) was that I couldn't go back the next day.  I didn't get to try Brrr and a handful of others that I have already had but still would have liked to drink if I had more time.  Plus that Hawaiian food truck had AWESOME food and I want to get more.

And with that and a couple more beers from the Advent Calender, I just hit 1140.  I am a rock star.

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