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Monday, August 27, 2012

I love you IPA

After spending some time on the giant yard/paths/decks project that has been ongoing for two-three months (and was supposed to be done before the baby was born) I decided I also need to check on my  beer fridge.  And I found that the CO2 was empty.  Sonofa.... I just filled it less than a month ago.  Short version is that the keg of IIIPA has a bad seal I think.  But I plan to replace the regulator regardless, and start drinking the IIIPA but not keep the CO2 cranked on to that keg.  Luckily I am smart enough to know that I am too lazy to fix stuff immediately, and I bought a small back up CO2 tank last month.

But I cleaned the fridge, cleaned the taps and flushed each line with a half glass of beer (cloudy, but still tastes like beer, so of course I drank them) and had my first glass of IIIPA out of my fridge.  Not a bad day.  I have two kegs that are almost done, but I got tired of waiting for them to be empty to find the pressure problem.  Maybe I don't need to replace the regulator.  We will see tonight.  I posted a couple pics on facebook which is quicker than putting them here, so check em out if you are in to that kind of thing.

And I am at beer 914 or something with the help of Firestone Walker Parabola from Nate and a few other beers since last Wednesday.  Plus I have a couple more great ones ondeck.  And yes, still have over 50 others ondeck.  And probably need to brew some more beer soon.  So maybe this blog won't die after all...

Also a great add for southern comfort includes this photo.  Which will be my new avatar.  If anyone can find me a brown speedo to wear that would be awesome.

Friday, August 24, 2012

1,000, here I come

I just crested 900 different beers consumed with my 904th beer Wednesday.  I took a night off from beers last night (passed out with the baby sleeping on my chest if you want to get specific) but with today being Friday, plan to get back on the train and maybe even share a Parabola with Nate and Barb tonight.  Also open another Shaun's Pale and a Sierra Nevada to taste test again.  Shaun reported getting lots of head from the couple beers he opened the last couple days, so we need to investigate if that has happened with the couple I have had in the fridge for a week.  And I of course have tons of other beers to try and plan to get a few of those checked off this weekend while we enjoy our new deck.

I also picked up a few more 32 oz cans of the Moonlight Ale from Cold Spring and the Stone 16th Anniversary beer in addition to the 8th beer of the Apocalypse from Elysian.  Excited about all this, but comes with a catch.  For some reason the distributor didn't get Hop N Grape his cases of the 7th beer of the Apoc.  So unless his guy comes through with a case, I will miss one out of the 12 beer series.  Heres to hoping he gets hooked up so I can get hooked up.  It would be a shame to spend $100 on these beers and be missing one...

Also found a sweet site looking up a hard cider I bought.  I got the Cherry Bomb, so hope it is better than the standard Hard Cider because according to this blog it sucks.  But according to one of the posts, the guy just doesn't know what "real" hard cider is supposed to taste like.  I will have to be the judge since we make our own.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

drinking again

It's nice to be drinking again.  Not a bunch with two little kids at home, but a beer here, a beer there.  Finally had my bottle of MacPelican's from Pelican Brewery on the coast.  That was super good.  Also had bought another bottle of Red Rocket from Bear Republic since it was so good.  Shared both of these with my dad and we were both impressed.  MacPelican's was one of their more expensive beers at almost 9 bucks, but would recommend trying it at least once if not more often.  Red Rocket was about 5.50, and I think I should keep that in stock its so good.  Kind of like the Sierra Nevada harvest beers at 5.50 each.

But even better than that, I had a couple of the 32 oz cans of micro brew from Cold Spring in Minnesota.  3.99 for 32 oz, and they are good.  I mean good.  The Moonlight ale is a black and tan according to untapped, and the Ipa was really good.  I plan to get some more of these after I try the Almond Honey Weiss I still have waiting in the fridge.

And to address the lack of posting and pictures, we are now fully addicted to Untapped, posting the beers we drink and photos on that app.  So sorry this site is so bare.  We should be making some beer again soon, but as most of those pics end up on facebook, our little blog is hanging on by a thread.  Maybe once wiffleball is over Nate will come back.

Friday, August 10, 2012

staying alive

An occasional post to keep this thing alive until we can get back to it regularly.  I missed brewfest in preperation for the baby coming last Saturday.  But after getting some baby furniture put together I brewed an all grain batch of 4 Cats Hefeweizen that Friday in preperation for Heather's wedding in September.  So all was not lost at L-Town Brewing.  I also stopped drinking for most of July in support of Abby not being able to drink.  Which means I have a TON of beer at my house still.

Well, the baby was born Saturday, hence me posting at 6:45 on a Friday morning.  With a 2 1/2 year old getting up between 6 and 8 every morning and a 1 week old getting up when ever he feels like it, beer making is on the back burner and beer drinking is likely back, but reduced to one or two every couple days.  That being said, the SNPA I helped Shaun brew last month is ready in time for Angela's birthday.  And I have one of those in the fridge.  And Garrett brought over a Russian Imperial Raspberry Stout that he brewed.  And he left an extra.  It was excellent and I want to drink the other one.  And one of Abby's co-workers has a husband who brews, and he posted on facebook he has a Chocolate Cherry Stout he saved for Abby, which means I get to try that too.  So excited.

And of course I have all the beers from my beer list to try with at least 60 ondeck still.  Including three very fancy Firestone Walker beers that Nate picked up, a true belgian, and a sour from Cascade Brewing.  Those 5 bottles are about $75 total so should make for some very tasty and expensive drinking.  Plus I have the first 6 beers of the apocolypse still chilling and I hope to finally try those at about $50 total.  Good thing I make a lot of the beer I drink.  Otherwise I would have no money at all.  After my hiatus I am at 882 beer tasted and even if I didn't buy another new beer I have 60 in waiting which will put me almost to 950.  Time to get started.  Well maybe in about 8-10 hours...