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Saturday, September 8, 2007

damn one posts, people aren't keeping track any more, and it looks like this is turning into another good idea that will fall apart. I haven't been to Portland still to get a bunch new beers, I have had almost everything in town unless I want to start buying 12 packs of shit beer for 4 bucks, so I am losing interest as well. I was near a brewery over the holiday weekend, but no one wanted to go in, so I have to wait until we go up to Booth's cabin later in the year I guess. I'm having another Labatt's Blue from my 12 pack, but that's my first new beer besides the Singha I had at a Thai restaurant near Booth's cabin. They have this at Hart-Cs too, so I guess I will have another one soon. But I am close to falling behind the 2 a day pace and look like I will just be keeping track for the sake of trying new beers forever rather than double 365. At least I hit 365 instead of wussing out...

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