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Sunday, September 23, 2007

post 366

Well, we've had 365 posts, and I've had 395 Beers in 220 days. So I have dropped off the 2 a day pace, but I am back on the train now and trying to gain some yardage back. And since I am going after Bond's record and his future is up in the air, I have some time to do some catching up.

A Lagunitas Imperial Red after a few dead guys and a LLC volleyball game Friday.
Singha Light and Tsing Tao Pure Draft last night with some thai food.
A becks while golfing which I've already had, but a Schneider Aventinus afterwords and a Heineken Dark today before the Hawks game. Next I will take a Stone Smoked Porter (#395)with me to my Dad's to watch the hawks game and some other free beer that is already checked off, do some grocery shopping, and watch Family Guy: Blue Harvest (the Star Wars episode) tonight.

Then tomorrow work and try not to think about Halo 3 too much, then Tuesday some Halo 3. All day.

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